Products News

  • KDL Huber Needle

    KDL Huber Needle

    The Huber Needle, a marvel of medical engineering, stands as a testament to the relentless pursuit of precision and safety in healthcare. Designed to seamlessly deliver medication to implanted devices within the human body, it embodies a delicate dance between innovatio...
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  • KDL Cosmetic Needle

    KDL Cosmetic Needle

    Cosmetic needles are versatile tools used in a variety of aesthetic and medical procedures to improve skin appearance, restore volume, treat specific skin concerns, and enhance facial features. They are essential in modern cosmetic dermatology and aesthetic medicine for...
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  • KDL Veterinary Hypodermic Needle

    KDL Veterinary Hypodermic Needle

    Veterinarians use disposable needles to inject animals. But that always can’t meet the requirement of the connecting strength and the rigid due to the particularity of the animals. Because the needles may stay in animals, and the meat with needle will hurt people. So we...
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